Weekly Episodes

Weekly Episodes-

Each week Jordan covers a question from a member of Faithful Doubt and shares his thoughts. He tries to look at each question from a non-Christian perspective in addition to the biblical lens. If you have a question you would like to have Jordan cover, we invite you to email Faithful Doubt.

Jordan Helvie Jordan Helvie

Episode 31: Halloween

Should Christians celebrate or participate in Halloween? Jordan shares his thoughts on the spookiest holiday of the year.

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Jordan Helvie Jordan Helvie

Episode 30: The Trinity

How exactly does the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) work? Well Jordan says we will probably never fully understand the nature of the Trinity since it is three infinite beings in one person, but that doesn’t mean we can’t understand the nature of God. Jordan says the Trinity is simple yet complex, we know each person of the Triune God. The best example of that kind of relationship we have is marriage, where two people become one flesh.

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Jordan Helvie Jordan Helvie

Episode 29: Denominations Everywhere!

Have you ever driven down the road and seen dozens of different churches? Why are there so many denominations within Christianity? Listen to find out what Jordan says about denominations.

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Jordan Helvie Jordan Helvie

Episode 28: Old Testament Laws

Have you ever wondered why Christians follow some laws in the Bible but not others? If so, you will want to hear how Jordan breaks down this question.

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Jordan Helvie Jordan Helvie

Episode 27: Church

"I am a Christian but I don't need to go to church to be one." Listen to this episode to find out why Jordan says church is more important than we think for Christians.

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Jordan Helvie Jordan Helvie

Episode 26: Science and God

Jordan reveals how he thinks Science and God aren't as opposed as many like to think. Science is important but it only enhances the glory of God, it doesn't replace it.

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