Weekly Episodes
Weekly Episodes-
Each week Jordan covers a question from a member of Faithful Doubt and shares his thoughts. He tries to look at each question from a non-Christian perspective in addition to the biblical lens. If you have a question you would like to have Jordan cover, we invite you to email Faithful Doubt.
Episode 25: Divorce
Is divorce allowed in the Bible. Jordan walks through the original intention of marriage that Jesus lays out for the Pharisees. It is a tough subject to discuss and perhaps controversial. Jordan reminds us that the most important thing is we are all loved equally by the same God regardless of what we have been through.
Episode 24: Jesus is the Only way
“Why is Jesus the only way for people to get to heaven?” Isn't that arrogant and exclusive to say only Jesus and Christianity is the right way? Jordan shares why Christianity is the most exclusively inclusive religion in the world.
Episode 23: Long Lives in Genesis
Jordan discusses the potential reasons why people in the early chapters of Genesis may have lived for so long. Jordan also shares why HE believes God allowed people to live for so long.
Episode 22: Christian Life
Jordan dives into the Christian life? Is it only about being a good person and following a bunch of rules? Or is it so much more than that? Jordan gives his thoughts on what it means to be a Christian.
Episode 21: How do we live for God?
A popular phrase among Christians is to say, “I want to live for God”. What does that really mean? How do you “live” for God?
Episode 20: Intolerant Christians!
Jordan gets slammed with a difficult question, are Christians intolerant? Jordan walks through how culture views tolerance today but that doesn't necessarily mean Christians are intolerant.
Episode 19: Who do you think you are?
Jordan has a bad case of stolen identity. How will he get back his own identity? If you watch you might learn that who you are isn't as important as Whose you are.
Episode 18: Misquoted Verse
Is “Money is the root of all evil” really in the Bible? This is one of the most misquoted verses in the entire Bible. Jordan addresses why it is so important to understand and know the correct verse.
Episode 17: Currency and God
Jordan enjoys an interesting and fun topic. Did God intend for us to use currency? Jordan admits he doesn’t really have an answer but he provides some intriguing thoughts.
Episode 16: Righteous Laws?
Jordan walks through a question about a possible contradiction in the book of Romans. Are Christians righteous if they obey the Law?
Episode 15: Reason and Faith
Jordan is asked to discuss what Idolatry looks like in modern times. He talks about idolatry in the Bible and what we can learn from that today.
Episode 14: Idolatry Today
Jordan is asked to discuss what Idolatry looks like in modern times. He talks about idolatry in the Bible and what we can learn from that today.